Port scanning

netcat can be used as "hacking" tool, e.g., -z option for port scanning:

# nc -vz google.com 443-445
Connection to google.com 443 port [tcp/https] succeeded!
nc: connect to google.com port 444 (tcp) failed: Operation timed out
nc: connect to google.com port 445 (tcp) failed: Operation timed out

First, build_ports parses 443-445 to generate port lists:

build_ports(char *p)
    char *n;
    int hi, lo, cp;
    int x = 0;

    if ((n = strchr(p, '-')) != NULL) {
        *n = '\0';

        /* Make sure the ports are in order: lowest->highest. */
        hi = strtoport(n, uflag);
        lo = strtoport(p, uflag);
        if (lo > hi) {
            cp = hi;
            hi = lo;
            lo = cp;

         * Initialize portlist with a random permutation.  Based on
         * Knuth, as in ip_randomid() in sys/netinet/ip_id.c.
        if (rflag) {
            for (x = 0; x <= hi - lo; x++) {
                cp = arc4random_uniform(x + 1);
                portlist[x] = portlist[cp];
                if (asprintf(&portlist[cp], "%d", x + lo) < 0)
                    err(1, "asprintf");
        } else { /* Load ports sequentially. */
            for (cp = lo; cp <= hi; cp++) {
                if (asprintf(&portlist[x], "%d", cp) < 0)
                    err(1, "asprintf");
    } else {

The portlist array is defined as following:

#define PORT_MAX    65535
char *portlist[PORT_MAX+1];

One feature of is generating port lists randomly, not in sequence through -r option:

if (rflag) {
    for (x = 0; x <= hi - lo; x++) {
        cp = arc4random_uniform(x + 1);
        portlist[x] = portlist[cp];
        if (asprintf(&portlist[cp], "%d", x + lo) < 0)
            err(1, "asprintf");

The interesting part is arc4random_uniform(), which guarantees cp is less than or equal x. So if cp == x:

portlist[x] = portlist[cp];
if (asprintf(&portlist[cp], "%d", x + lo) < 0)
    err(1, "asprintf");

portlist[x] and portlist[cp] point to same slot. Otherwise, if cp < x, put the original value of portlist[cp] to portlist[x], and generate a new value of portlist[cp].

After generating port list, try connecting the port to check whether it is open or not. For UDP service, there is a further step to test:

 * udptest()
 * Do a few writes to see if the UDP port is there.
 * Fails once PF state table is full.
udptest(int s)
    int i, ret;

    for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++) {
        if (write(s, "X", 1) == 1)
            ret = 1;
            ret = -1;
    return ret;

Finally, getservbyport() is used to display service name:

/* Don't look up port if -n. */
if (nflag)
    sv = NULL;
else {
    sv = getservbyport(
        uflag ? "udp" : "tcp");

    "Connection to %s %s port [%s/%s] "
    "succeeded!\n", host, portlist[i],
    uflag ? "udp" : "tcp",
    sv ? sv->s_name : "*");

BTW, nflag is set by -n option, means not do service look-up.

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